From the ancient mythological weapons like Curtana and Durandal, to the classic swords of Orcrist and Glamdring in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, weapons forged by inhuman hands have always captivated our imagination.
Elves and their superior craftsmanship come up continually in our myths and pop culture. Sometimes they are represented as ancient relics of a bygone war with the methods of crafting them lost to time, sometimes they are vessels for powerful spellcraft, and other times they are just so well made they might as well be magical in nature.
Pathfinder is no different from these pop culture stories and mythological influences. The Elves of Golarion (or wherever else you decide to set your game) have their own crafted weapons that sing through the air with a devilish sharpness and cunning speed.
Today we are going to look at those powerful Elven weapons, honed in centuries of war against their enemies. Their grace and speed are unmatched by almost anything on the material plane. We are going to look at specific weapons in the arsenal of the Elven people in both Pathfinder 1st and 2nd Edition.
Specific Elven Weaponry
Below is a list of the specific Elven weapons, their stats, and links to their entries on the First and/or Second Edition Pathfinder SRD. Some of the weapons exist in both systems, but some are unique to one edition or the other. Should you decide to roll one into another, it shouldn’t be too hard to adapt from one edition to the other.
All of these weapons have the “Elven” descriptor, so they are usable with anyone who has the Elven Weapon Familiarity feat.
Elven Branched Spear
- Cost 20 gp Weight 10 lbs.
- Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium) Critical x3 Type piercing
- Category two-handed Proficiency exotic
- Weapon Group spears
- Special brace, reach
Behind this long pole weapon’s spearhead, several short branches project from the shaft at irregular intervals, each angled forward and tipped with a smaller leaf-like blade.
When you make attacks of opportunity provoked by movement, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls.
You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls with an elven branched spear sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon.
Elves treat elven branched spears as martial weapons.
- Price 3 gp; Damage 1d6 P; Bulk 1
- Hands 2
- Category Martial
- Group Spear; Traits Deadly d8, Elf, Finesse, Reach, Uncommon
Several short branches project from this delicate spear’s shaft, each angled forward and tipped with a leaflike blade.
A specialized spear for the Elven Race, this long arm is light, easy to maneuver, and deadly accurate.
Elven Curved Blade
- Cost 80 gp Weight 7 lbs.
- Damage 1d8 (small), 1d10 (medium) Critical 18–20/x2 Type slashing
- Category two-handed Proficiency exotic
- Weapon Group heavy blades
Essentially a longer version of a scimitar, but with a thinner blade, the elven curve blade is exceptionally rare.
You receive a +2 circumstance bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever a foe attempts to sunder your elven curve blade due to its flexible metal.
You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with an elven curve blade sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon.
- Price 4 gp; Damage 1d8 S; Bulk 2
- Hands 2
- Category Martial
- Group Sword; Traits Elf, Finesse, Forceful, Uncommon
Essentially a longer version of the scimitar, this traditional elven weapon has a thinner blade than its cousin.
An iconic Elven sword shaped like a crescent moon. It slices through the air like the wind, and cuts down your foes quickly. They typically shine a light silvery color.
Elven Leafblade
- Price 40 gp; Type light exotic melee; Weight 3 lbs.
- Dmg (S) 1d3 Dmg (M) 1d4; Crit 18-20/x2; Damage Type P/S
Elves have traditionally eschewed the use of larger weaponry, opting instead for lighter weapons that take advantage of their wielders’ agility and poise.
The elven curve blade is perhaps the best-known weapon in this category, but the leafblade (often partnered with the substantially longer thornblade) embraces these fighting styles to an even greater extent.
This short sword has a blade reminiscent of a long, narrow leaf and is suitable both for slashing swings and targeted thrusts. These weapons are designed to be wielded alongside elven thornblades. Attacks with an elven leafblade gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
An Elven short blade or off-hand weapon. It’s shaped much like a narrow leave with a wide base.
Mithral Tree
- Access The following regions have access to firearms: Alkenstar, Dongun Hold, Tian Xia, Vudra, Arcadia, Ustalav, the Shackles
- Price 9 gp; Damage 1d6 P; Bulk 1
- Hands 2; Range 150 ft.; Reload 1
- Category Martial
- Ammunition Firearm Ammunition (10 rounds)
- Group Firearm; Traits Concussive, Elf, Fatal d10, Parry, Uncommon
Neither mithral nor a tree, this long gun takes its name from the legends of the elves of Jinin and is most commonly found within the nation. An elegant weapon, a mithral tree does somewhat resemble a tree; its fanned stock and long, sweeping barrel reinforced with metal rings enable a wielder to parry melee attacks while moving back into safe firing range.
This musket is a sweeping and elegant firearm, constructed to be deadly and accurate. Best for use on a battlefield rather than for hunting though.
Aura strong evocation; CL 15th; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 25,600 gp
Of elven make, this white +2 composite longbow (+2 Str bonus) whispers “Swift defeat to my enemies” in Elven when nocked and pulled. Once per day, if the archer swears aloud to slay her target (a free action), the bow’s whisper becomes the shout “Death to those who have wronged me!”
Against such a sworn enemy, the bow has a +5 enhancement bonus, and arrows launched from it deal an additional 2d6 points of damage (and ×4 on a critical hit instead of the normal ×3). After an enemy has been sworn, the bow is treated as only a masterwork weapon against all foes other than the sworn enemy, and the archer takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls with any weapon other than the oathbow. These bonuses and penalties last for 7 days or until the sworn enemy is slain or destroyed by the wielder of the oathbow, whichever comes first.
The oathbow may only have one sworn enemy at a time. Once the wielder swears to slay a target, he cannot make a new oath until he has slain that target or 7 days have passed. Even if the wielder slays the sworn enemy on the same day that he makes the oath, he cannot activate the oathbow’s special power again until 24 hours have passed from the time he made the oath.
Price 1,300 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 2
Constructed of a flexible, white wood and with ornate, twisting designs carved into its surface, this +2 striking composite longbow appears to have been made by elves. Sometimes when you loose an arrow, its whistling in flight sounds like a voice whispering in Elven, wishing for the swift defeat of your enemies.
Activate command; Effect You swear an oath to destroy one creature you can see. For the next 7 days or until that creature is slain, your attacks with the bow against that creature deal 1d6 additional damage, and you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks to Track that creature. Your critical hits against the target gain the bow’s critical specialization effect; if they would already do so, they instead increase the DC of the Athletics check to Escape when critically hit to DC 20.
After you activate the bow, you can’t activate it again for 7 days. If you kill the creature you’ve sworn an oath against, the oath ends and you need to wait only 10 minutes before you can activate it again.
One of the most well-known weapons in the Elven arsenal. The Oathbow was created during one of the myriad wars the Elves have fought in over the centuries. Most often seen in wars with Orcs and Goblins, it has also been used in the many conflicts with the Dark Elves.
This longsword is crafted with specially designed holes in the blade that cause the sword to whistle musically and resonate at different pitches when swung and struck against an object or foe. It is both a musical instrument and a weapon, and it takes considerable skill to fully use it in combat.
Benefit: A wielder who has at least 1 rank in any two of Perform (dance), Perform (percussion instruments), and Perform (wind instruments) gets a +2 competence bonus on Bluff checks to feint in combat and a +2 competence bonus on CMB checks to disarm an opponent when wielding the elven songsword. A masterwork elven songsword grants a +2 bonus on Perform checks as well as a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
A weapon designed for Elven Bards, their swords are both weapon and bardic instruments. They dance over the battlefield, singing songs of death.
Elven Thornblade
- Price 60 gp; Type one-handed exotic melee; Weight 4 lbs.
- Dmg (S) 1d4 Dmg (M) 1d6; Crit 18-20/x2; Damage Type P/S
This blade is suited for thrusts and parries, making it especially capable of inflicting deep, penetrating wounds.
A wielder with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to attack rolls with an elven thornblade instead of her Strength modifier. An elven thornblade grants no additional benefit when wielded two-handed. In addition, attacks with an elven thornblade gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
The partner to the Leafblade. This light weapon is sharp and deadly, thirsting for an enemy’s life blood.
Three Peaked Tree
- Melee
- Damage 1d8 P; Group Spear; Traits Critical Fusion, Elf, Tethered, Thrown 20 ft.
- Ranged
- Access The following regions have access to firearms: Alkenstar, Dongun Hold, Tian Xia, Vudra, Arcadia, Ustalav, the Shackles
- Price 12 gp; Damage 1d4 P; Bulk 2
- Hands 2; Range 60 ft.; Reload 1
- Category Martial
- Ammunition Firearm Ammunition (10 rounds)
- Group Firearm; Traits Combination, Concussive, Elf, Fatal d8, Parry, Uncommon
A recently developed weapon created for an elven champion from Jinin, the three-peaked tree can be used as both a trident and a mithral tree. A three-peaked tree has a length of silken rope attached to the butt of its haft, allowing it to be quickly retrieved after being thrown.
The Upgraded form of the Mithral Tree, this weapon is firearm, spear, and javelin all in one.
Elven War Blade
This weapon functions like an elven curve blade, except that it is the size of a longsword and can be wielded with one hand.
Benefit: You receive a +2 circumstance bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever a foe attempts to sunder your elven war knife due to its flexible metal.
You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with an elven war knife as it is a light weapon.
A Variant on the Elven Curved Blade, this is much lighter and is designed to be whirled about in a dervish dance.
Elven War Knife
This weapon functions like an elven curve blade, except that it is the size of a short sword and can be wielded with one hand.
Benefit: You receive a +2 circumstance bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever a foe attempts to sunder your elven war blade due to its flexible metal.
You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with an elven war blade sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon.
The Companion to the War Blade, the War Knife is the off-hand variant of the curved blade. This can be paired easily to create a circle of steel around an Elven warrior.