“Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
One of the most interesting aspects of playing characters in fantasy games is deciding where they put their faith.
Often deciding on a deity for your character to follow can help you fill in the blanks of your character personality. If confronted with something and you aren’t sure how to respond, you can often default to what someone of that faith would do.
Deities add a cool new avenue to explore your roleplay and the setting of your game.
In the case of Pathfinder, there are many different entities that have the title of deity and can be worshiped by player characters.
Today we are going to break down some of the major deities to help give you a reference for your next character, but first, it is important to touch on some elements that make up a deity in the Pathfinder RPG.
Table of Contents
Aspects of Divinity
There are certain aspects of being Divine that almost all deities have. The lack of one of these things typically will disqualify an entity as being a true god. However, there may be something interesting that is holding them back in some way.
Every Deific being in Pathfinder has a “Portfolio,” aka something they govern. This is generally a concept or area of concern for the god in question.
This could be something broad like War, Disease, or Hope, or it could be more narrow like Honorable Combat, Martyrdom, or Death by Violence.
A deity’s Portfolio is generally seen as how powerful that deity is. The more Portfolios a Deity has, the more powerful and/or old that Deity is.
Favored Weapons
Most deities have a favored weapon that their clergy uses in combat. This can be almost any weapon from unarmed combat to something exotic like chains.
In most artistic expressions of the Deity, they will be wielding this weapon.
Divine Servants
Almost all Deities have a group of servants at their beck and call as well as a divine being that acts as their herald. Often these beings bring messages to the faithful or step in when and where the deity can’t.
Sacred Animals
All Deities have animals their church considers sacred or protected in some way. These animals often have a specific kinship with the Deity in question.
Some Deities can have or have had children with mortal beings. Typically, these children will have some special supernatural abilities.
These children are often touched by fate to be heroes or villains of great renown and maybe Deities themselves someday.
Divine Intercession
The Deities of Pathfinder are barred from acting directly on the material plane typically by ancient supernatural treaties or deific laws.
Most often, if a deity interacts with the mortal world directly AS a deity, then that gives leave for their opposing counterpart to do the same. Most deities prefer the light touch when dealing with their followers to make sure to protect what they have.
Out of game, this is the reason why god wars don’t happen and why gods don’t just do everything themselves. They have to rely on mortals (like the player characters) to get things done in their stead.
Organized Worship
Almost every deity in Pathfinder has some type of organized church that worships the deity using holy texts and celebrations on holy days. Even the more Chaotic deities have some type of loose organization around their church.
If a Deity has no active worshippers, their faith is considered “dead,” and they are forgotten by mortals.
Main Deities of Golarion
Below is a list of the main 20 deities worshiped in the Inner Sea region of Golarion. These are the most well-known gods and goddesses that you will find, not taking into account smaller regional deities.
Along with a short description of the deity, also listed are their Edicts or what they command their followers to do, Anathema or what they consider forbidden, Alignment, Favored Weapon, and Sacred Animal as well as the Domains they offer their clerics.
Abadar is the God of Civilization and Law. His domain also extends over merchants, cities, and wealth. His church believes in bringing the light of Civilization to the wilderness.
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Edicts: Civilize frontiers, earn wealth through work and trade, obey laws
- Anathema: Steal, undermine a law-abiding court
- Favored Weapon: Crossbow
- Sacred Animal: Monkey
- Domains 1e: Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel
- Domains 2e: Cities, earth, travel, wealth
Asmodeus is the most powerful lord of the Nine Hells. He is one of the oldest divinities in Pathfinder, having been around when the Multiverse was formed.
He is an irredeemable tyrant, believing it is the right of the strong to dominate the weak.
- Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Edicts: Negotiate contracts to your best advantage, rule tyrannically and torture weaker beings, show subservience to your betters
- Anathema: Break a contract, free a slave, insult Asmodeus by showing mercy to your enemies
- Favored Weapon: Mace
- Sacred Animal: Serpent
- Domains 1e: Evil, Fire, Law, Magic, Trickery
- Domains 2e: Confidence, fire, trickery, tyranny
Calistra is the goddess of revenge, trickery, and lust. She is the patron of rogues, assassins, and hedonists.
She is often followed by the chaotic and the vengeful. She delights in taking revenge on those who have wronged her or her followers.
- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Edicts: Pursue personal freedom, seek hedonistic thrills, take vengeance
- Anathema: Be consumed by love or vengeance, let slights go unanswered
- Favored Weapon: Whip
- Sacred Animal: Wasp
- Domains 1e: Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery
- Domains 2e: Pain, passion, secrecy, trickery
Cayden Cailean
Cayden Cailean is a former mortal who has arisen to divinity by passing an arduous quest known as the Test of the Starstone.
He is a god of Freedom and Bravery, being worshiped by freedom fighters and sellswords. He also has a fondness for alcohol, leading to his nickname “the Lucky Drunk.”
- Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Edicts: Drink, free slaves and aid the oppressed, seek glory and adventure
- Anathema: Waste alcohol, be mean or standoffish when drunk, own a slave
- Favored Weapon: Rapier
- Sacred Animal: Hound
- Domains 1e: Chaos, Charm, Good, Strength, Travel
- Domains 2e: Cities, freedom, indulgence, might
Desna is one of the oldest deities in Golarion. It was her hand that helped to shape the Heavens above. She is the goddess of Dreamers and Explorers. She is also a goddess of Fortune, Luck, and Freedom.
- Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Edicts: Aid fellow travelers, explore new places, express yourself through art and song, find what life has to offer
- Anathema: Cause fear or despair, cast nightmare or use similar magic to corrupt dreams, engage in bigoted behavior
- Favored Weapon: Starknife
- Sacred Animal: Butterfly
- Domains 1e: Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Travel
- Domains 2e: Dreams, luck, moon, travel
Erastil is a deity of Hunters and Community. He is a god of early humanity, often worshiped by family units or tribes.
His followers call upon him for bountiful harvests and good luck in the hunt. He is a harsh deity and a good example of how Good does not equal Nice.
- Alignment: Lawful Good
- Edicts: Care for your home and family, fulfill your duties, keep the peace, protect the community
- Anathema: Abandon your home in time of need, choose yourself over your community, tarnish your reputation, tell lies
- Favored Weapon: Longbow
- Sacred Animal: Stag
- Domains 1e: Animal, Community, Good, Law, Plant
- Domains 2e: Earth, family, nature wealth
Gorum is a God of Battle and Conflict. He is known as the Lord in Iron, and manifests as a being hidden in full plate armor.
He cares not for either side of a war, as long as unending war is the outcome. He is often worshiped by Soldiers, Sellswords, and Warlords.
- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Edicts: Attain victory in fair combat, push your limits, wear armor in combat
- Anathema: Kill prisoners or surrendering foes, prevent conflict through negotiation, win a battle through underhanded tactics or indirect magic
- Favored Weapon: Greatsword
- Sacred Animal: Rhinoceros
- Domains 1e: Chaos, Destruction, Glory, Strength, War
- Domains 2e: Confidence, destruction, might, zeal
Gozreh is a Dual Deity composed of two parts: A God of Storms and Sky and a Goddess of the Waves. Together Gozreh is a deity of nature and travel.
They are worshiped by Travelers and Sailors and often called upon for safe travel. They are often followed by Druids who are in touch with the fickleness of Nature.
- Alignment: Neutral
- Edicts: Cherish, protect, and respect nature in all its forms
- Anathema: Bring civilization to intrude on the wild, create undead, despoil areas of natural beauty
- Favored Weapon: Trident
- Sacred Animal: All Animals
- Domains 1e: Air, Animal, Plant, Water, Weather
- Domains 2e: Air, nature, travel, water
Known as the Lady of Valor, Iomedae is a mortal who ascended to Godhood through the Test of the Starstone. She is the Goddess of Honor, Bravery, and Righteousness, calling on her followers to stand against evil in all forms.
She inherited her Divine Portfolio from another Deity known as Aroden, leaving her to also inherit his church.
- Alignment: Lawful Good
- Edicts: Be temperate, fight for justice and honor, hold valor in your heart
- Anathema: Abandon a companion in need, dishonor yourself, refuse a challenge from an equal
- Favored Weapon: Longsword
- Sacred Animal: Lion
- Domains 1e: Glory, Good, Law, Sun, War
- Domains 2e: Confidence, might, truth, zeal
Irori is a God of healing and self-perfection. Legend has it that he became a god through intense physical and mental training.
After obtaining physical and mental perfection, he rose to godhood through his own hand. He is followed by monks, mystics, and historians.
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Edicts: Be humble, help others perfect themselves; hone your body, mind, and spirit to a more perfect state, practice discipline
- Anathema: Become addicted to a substance, destroy an important historical text, repeatedly fail to maintain self-control
- Favored Weapon: Unarmed Combat
- Sacred Animal: Snail
- Domains 1e: Healing, Knowledge, Law, Rune, Strength
- Domains 2e: Knowledge, might, perfection, truth
The Mother of Monsters, Lamashtu is the goddess of all aberrant creatures that crawl, slither, or burrow through Golarion. She is the goddess of the mad and the monstrous, worshiped by evil creatures and evil inhuman cults.
- Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Edicts: Bring power to outcasts and the downtrodden, indoctrinate children in Lamashtu’s teachings, make the beautiful monstrous, reveal the corruption and flaws in all things
- Anathema: Attempt to treat a mental illness or deformity, provide succor to Lamashtu’s enemies
- Favored Weapon: Falchion
- Sacred Animal: Jackal
- Domains 1e: Chaos, Evil, Madness, Strength, Trickery
- Domains 2e: Family, might, nightmares, trickery
God of Magic in all its forms, Nethys is a deity who arose to godhood through the accumulation of magic might.
That power drove him mad as well, separating his psyche into two extremes: one that wishes to save the multiverse and one that wishes for its total destruction.
- Alignment: Neutral
- Edicts: Seek out magical power and use it
- Anathema: Pursue mundane paths over magical ones
- Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
- Sacred Animal: Zebra
- Domains 1e: Destruction, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Rune
- Domains 2e: Destruction, knowledge, magic, protection
Norgorber is the keeper of secrets and god of assassins. Very little is known of him, but his worshipers are known to exist in every city.
He is known to be evil, but his designs and plans are beyond all, even his church. It is known he ascended to godhood from being a mortal through the Test of the Starstone.
- Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Edicts: Keep your true identity secret, sacrifice anyone necessary, take every advantage in a fight, work from the shadows
- Anathema: Allow your true identity to be connected to your dark dealings, share a secret freely, show mercy
- Favored Weapon: Short sword
- Sacred Animal: Spider
- Domains 1e: Charm, Death, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery
- Domains 2e: Death, secrecy, trickery, wealth
Pharasma is the “Lady of Graves” and the Goddess who guides those who recently passed away to their final reward. She is a cold and distant deity, not caring for the reason why someone has passed. All she cares for is that they arrive where they need to be.
She is also the Goddess of Prophecy and Childbirth. The cycle of death and rebirth is sacred to her, leading to a hatred of undeath.
- Alignment: Neutral
- Edicts: Strive to understand ancient prophecies, destroy undead, lay bodies to rest
- Anathema: Create undead, desecrate a corpse, rob a tomb
- Favored Weapon: Dagger
- Sacred Animal: Whippoorwill
- Domains 1e: Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Water
- Domains 2e: Death, fate, healing, knowledge
Rovagug is less a god and more a force of destruction. He has existed since the creation of the world, where he was imprisoned in the heart of Golarion by a force of both Evil and Good deities.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are often the results of him stirring in his sleep. He is worshiped by those who seek destruction and death.
- Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Edicts: Destroy all things, free Rovagug from his prison
- Anathema: Create something new, let material ties restrain you, torture a victim or otherwise delay its destruction
- Favored Weapon: Greataxe
- Sacred Animal: Scorpion
- Domains 1e: Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Weather, War
- Domains 2e: Air, destruction, earth, zeal
The Healing Flame, Sarenrae is the goddess of peace and compassion. She believes in the redemption of beings that were once evil and bringing peace to those places fraught by war.
She is a powerful warrior as well and believes in protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Edicts: Destroy the Spawn of Rovagug, protect allies, provide aid to the sick and wounded, seek and allow redemption
- Anathema: Create undead, lie, deny a repentant creature an opportunity for redemption, fail to strike down evil
- Favored Weapon: Scimitar
- Sacred Animal: Dove
- Domains 1e: Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun
- Domains 2e: Fire, healing, sun, truth
Shelyn is the goddess of art and beauty. She began as a minor deity, but when her mother passed away, she inherited the Portfolio of Love as well. She now governs Beauty, Love, Art, and Music.
She is the patron of Bards, poets, and lovers. She is the half-sister to the god Zon-Kuthon.
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Edicts: Be peaceful, perfect an art form, lead by example, see beauty in all things
- Anathema: Destroy art or allow its destruction, except to save a life or pursue greater art; refuse to accept surrender
- Favored Weapon: Glaive
- Sacred Animal: Songbird
- Domains 1e: Air, Charm, Good, Luck, Protection
- Domains 2e: Creation, family, passion, protection
Torag is the god of forge and honor. He is chiefly worshiped by the dwarves, but he is well known enough that his worship has passed beyond the dwarven pantheon.
He is a distant deity, trusting his worshipers to know what is best for themselves in their own lives. He is stoic and strong, expecting the same from those who follow him.
- Alignment: Lawful Good
- Edicts: Be honorable and forthright, keep your word, respect the forge, serve your people
- Anathema: Tell lies or cheat someone, intentionally create inferior works, show mercy to the enemies of your people
- Favored Weapon: Warhammer
- Sacred Animal: Badger
- Domains 1e: Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection
- Domains 2e: Creation, earth, family, protection
The Lady of Despair, Urgathoa is the goddess of undeath and disease. She is worshiped by necromancers, conscious undead, and those who wish to become undead.
She is also known for her dominion over physical excess including gluttony and pleasure. She is sometimes asked to intervene in the case of serious illness as well.
- Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Edicts: Become undead upon death, create or protect the undead, sate your appetites
- Anathema: Deny your appetites, destroy undead, sacrifice your life
- Favored Weapon: Scythe
- Sacred Animal: Fly
- Domains 1e: Death, Evil, Magic, Strength, War
- Domains 2e: Indulgence, magic, might, undeath
The Midnight Lord and half-brother to Shelyn, Zon-Kuthon was once a god of Beauty and Art like his half-sister. He became disillusioned with his place in the cosmos and began to explore the darker parts of the multiverse.
He became possessed by a dark and alien entity. Returning to Golarion, Zon Kuthon became the god of Darkness, Pain, and Loss.
- Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Edicts: Bring pain to the world, mutilate your body
- Anathema: Create permanent or long-lasting sources of light, provide comfort to those who suffer
- Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain
- Sacred Animal: Bat
- Domains 1e: Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Law
- Domains 2e: Ambition, darkness, destruction, pain
Racial Pantheons
Among the other races of the world, they have their own Pantheons of Gods who exist outside of the other main deities of Golarion.
Draconic Pantheon
Among the Dragon Gods, there are three total.
Apsu is the god of the Good Metallic Dragons and one of the oldest deities in existence. Along with Tiamat, he is the progenitor of all Dragons. He is Lawful Good and chiefly concerned with peace and leadership.
Dahak is the God of Evil Dragons. He is thought to be the first god of dragons begat by Apsu and Tiamat at the beginning of time. He is Chaotic Evil and champions only destruction. He calls upon his followers to destroy everything, especially anything created by Apsu.
Tiamat is the third Dragon god and is more of a source of creation than a true deity. Legend has it she was mated with Apsu, and from this mating, all of dragonkind came into existence.
She is the embodiment of chaos, existing as a vast sea of salt water. She is not worshiped by anyone, but her name is sometimes spoken as a curse by the Dragons.
Dwarven Pantheon
In addition to Torag, the Dwarves revere an additional nine deities.
Angradd is a Dwarven Demigod. He is a Lawful Good deity of strategic thinking and planning. He is the younger brother of Magrim. The brothers decide the final reward of dwarves who pass away.
Bolka is the Dwarven Goddess of Marriage and Beauty. She is the daughter of Torag and Folgrit. Her portfolio allows her to foster love between partners who are in arranged marriages.
Dranngvit is the half-sister of Torag and is held as the Dwarven Deity of Debts and Vengeance. She is not worshiped by many dwarves. Mostly she is seen as a necessary deity to keep balance. Those who do worship her are often consumed by grief and pain.
Droskar is the Dwarven God of the Duergar or gray dwarves. He is a Neutral Evil deity who delights in slavery. He believes in doing unto others before they do it to you.
Folgrit is the wife of Torag and the mother of his demi-god children. She is the goddess of dwarven women and children. She often takes on the burden of the hearth and the home, dispensing homegrown wisdom to her followers.
Grundinnar is the Dwarven god of diplomacy, friendship, and loyalty. He is the brother of Bolka. He is often called upon to resolve disputes and encourages his followers to keep friendship close to their heart.
Kols is a Dwarven demi-god of duty. He is known as the Oath-keeper and is the son of Torag. His duty is to exact punishment on those who break their oaths and promises.
Magrim is the brother of Angradd and Dwarven Demi-god of the Underworld. He watches over the Dwarven Dead and offers them succor so they may be reborn to the mortal world. He was the first Dwarf deity to reach out to the mortal dwarves and teach them to commune with the rest of the Dwarven Pantheon.
Trudd is the youngest son of Torag and is the Dwarven Deity of Bravery and Strength. He stands guard over Torag’s halls when the Dwarf Deity is gone.
Elven Pantheon
The Elves of Golarion review several of their own deities alongside the more well-known deities of the world. They count Calistria, Desna, and Nethys among their pantheon as well as those below.
Alseta is the Lawful Neutral deity of portals, doorways, and travel. She also has dominion over time itself and often allows communication between gods. The elves see her as the patron of their elf gates.
Cernunnos is a primeval god of the wilderness and nature. He is a Chaotic Good deity who governs fertility, the seasons, and wild animals. He is often revered by elven warriors and the fey.
Findeladlara is the Elven deity of art and architecture. She is Chaotic Good and implores her worshipers to preserve elven culture through their art and their buildings. She is very cold to non-elves and is a harsh critic of those asking her to judge their art.
Ketephys is the elven god of the hunt. He is terse and moody, keeping his mouth shut and letting his actions speak for him. He seeks only the preservation of the forest and hunts those who would spoil nature.
Yuelral is known as the Wise and is the elven goddess of magic. She covers both Divine and Arcane magic but prefers magic rooted in the natural world. Of all the elven deities, she embraces half-elves the most.
Halfling Pantheon
In addition to the major gods of Golarion, the Halflings also have their own gods.
Chaldira Zuzaristan is the goddess of luck and mischief. She is very close to Desna as a friend. The Halflings revere her the most above most deities. She prizes those who are witty and self-reliant, but she is always ready to nudge someone’s luck the right way.
Thamir Gixx is the dark god of the halflings. He is a god of cutpurses, cheats, and assassins. Often his followers call to those halflings who have been mistreated, calling on them to strike back against their oppressors in underhanded ways.
Orc Pantheon
The Orcs have a pantheon all their own, separate from the human deities, though some half-orcs are known to include Gorum and Rovagug in their own worship.
Brumash is worshiped by the Dead Eye tribe of Orcs and is called the father of all Orcs. They also revere him as the father of Rovagug as well.
Dretha is known as the Dark Mother of all Orcs. She is the goddess of fertility and birth, presiding over the tribal life of all Orcs. She blesses those who fight for home and family.
Lanishra is the Orc God of slavery and tyrants. He attracts worshipers who enslave other races for entertainment or work. He is also not above hunting and enslaving intelligent creatures for food.
Nulgreth is the Orc Deity of Bloodlust and Slaughter. Death and bloodshed are all he cares for. His followers bathe in blood from head to toe.
Rull is the Orc Nature God. He is known as the Thunderer and has a particular affinity toward storms. His followers are Orc druids who call down lightning to destroy their foes.
Sezelrian is the Orc God of Magic and Fire. He rewards intelligence in the Orc race, having brought magic to them centuries ago. He also rewards cunning and applicable knowledge. Knowledge for its own sake is useless.
Varg is close to Sezelrian and known as the Iron Warrior. He is the Orc God of siegecraft and siege engines. He presides over complex warfare and strategies among the Orcs.
Verex is known as the Despoiler and is the Orc god of Destruction. He contrasts with Nulgreth in that Nulgreth calls for death and slaughter while Verex calls on his followers to destroy everything of their enemies.
Zagresh is the oldest of the Orc Gods, second only to Brumash. He represents the primal and unbowed nature of Orc kind. To Zagresh and his followers, there is no Glory or Honor. Just the fight to survive.